By admin / 2017-05-01

Airbroad, participating Global Accelerating program ‘Orange Fab Asia’

Tokyo Chikaku : Easiest way for grandparents to enjoy their grandkids? daily life Future Standard: IoT platform for image sensor HATAPRO: ZUKKU, a mobile


Airbroad is participating Global Accelerating program ‘Orange Fab Asia’ held by Orange.
Orange is Global wired and wireless telecommunication carrier.

Through this program, Orange’s Innovation resources will help startups to entry into overseas market based on their huge market share(over 30 countries, 2.4 billion users).

Mentoring by experienced mentors and demo session is main purpose of this program.

Final demo session will be held in 4 countries(South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and France), inviting Orange’s executives, their partners, investors, international and domestic companies.

By admin / 2016-10-11

Airbroad has won the GMV 2016 Innovation Award

Airbroad’s video streaming solution is awarded GMV 2016 TOP3
GMV Innovation Award, held by Aving NEWS, is an event which display products recommended by overseas press and award the most innovative product.

10월 8일 경기도 고양 킨텍스 제2전시장에서는 혁신적이고 핫한 제품을 선정해 수여하는 ‘GMV2016 이노베이션 어워드’가 열렸다.


PRONEWS, one of judges and professional channel about IT from Japan, choose Airbroad’s non-segmented adaptive streaming technology for GMV Innovation TOP3 presenting their press.
